Tapered Slot

Vivaldi Antenna

The STC-TSVA26 is a linearly polarized Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna (TSVA) operating from 2.5 to 6 GHz with average 6.6 dB gain and low VSWR 2:1. The antenna utilizes PCB edge mount SMA Female connector that connected to a microstrip line. Fabricated antenna is tin coated which protects from corrosion, the antenna will provide trouble-free service.

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How it works

Our antenna solutions are designed to meet specific application requirements. We optimize designs for performance metrics like gain and directivity. Each antenna is constructed for exceptional signal clarity and reliability.

Design and Fabrication

Our antenna solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of various applications.

Optimization with Advanced Tools

Using advanced simulation tools, we optimize performance metrics like gain, directivity, and impedance.

Cutting-Edge Manufacturing

Antenna built with advanced techniques for quality and reliable performance.

Exceptional Performance

Designed to deliver outstanding signal clarity and reliability across a wide range of operational scenarios.

Cutting-Edge Manufacturing

Antenna built with advanced techniques for quality and reliable performance.

Exceptional Performance

Designed to deliver outstanding signal clarity and reliability across a wide range of operational scenarios.

Electrical Specification

Parameter Specification
Operating Frequency 2.5 to 6 GHz
S-Parameter-(S11) dB
VSWR <=2:1
Efficiency ~79.5 %
Peak Gain 7.8 @ 5.4 GHz
Average Gain ~6.6 dB
Impedance 50 Ohm
Polarization Linear (Vertical or Horizontal based on orientation)

Mechanical Specification

Parameter Specification
Antenna Dimensions 440×450×1.6 mm3
PCB Material FR4
RF Connector Interface PCB Edge Mount SMA Female
Weight ~200 Grams

Key features

High gain, directional radiation, and broadband performance

Stable impedance matching over the broadband frequency.

Tech Stack

  • Wireless Communication
  • Radar Systems
  • Satellite Communications
  • Testing & Measurement

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